As the first Director of this emerging organization, I am honored to introduce S.O.U.R.C.E. Studio, an artist-centered and action-oriented nonprofit organization committed to supporting artistic practices rooted in community, creativity and social justice.
At first, introducing S.O.U.R.C.E. during this uncertain time seemed strange, but with second, third and fourth thought (and conversation with colleagues), we believe this time is just right and in fact, our work is more critical than ever. We believe:
Creativity allows us to stay connected even as we are physically isolated
Creative practices can meaningfully connect people in ways that propel empathy and justice in the world
Artists are well-equipped to illustrate how individual actions have profound consequences on the well being of others and society
While I have the privilege of directing this organization and being the public face, S.O.U.R.C.E. is a collaborative/collective supported by many people and deeply inspired by artist (and co-founder) Mel Chin.
I have worked with Mel on dozens of projects across the world since 2007 and have experienced firsthand the beauty and impact that comes from his projects when people come together. While the art-world still likes to identify a singular author, Mel’s methodology activates artists, community members and partners, each with their own expertise, perspective, and personality, to create bold and beautiful possibilities that don’t yet exist. This is the essence of S.O.U.R.C.E. It is my hope that we can aspire towards this ideal and that we do justice to the efforts of artists like Mel Chin and all future partners. We intend to hold space and energy for this work with equity, compassion and resourcefulness.
This year we’ll be focusing on a diverse range of projects. First up, we are launching the Corrina Mehiel Fellowship, created in the name and spirit of the late artist, our colleague and friend, Corrina Mehiel. This Fellowship will support women, trans and non-binary artists working on pressing issues by awarding funding, offering a retreat in rural North Carolina, and making connections among the S.O.U.R.C.E. network. Fellows will be revealed later this week!
Next, S.O.U.R.C.E will continue to work on the Fundred Project, creatively connecting citizens to policymakers with the hopes of compelling action from Congress to end lead poisoning. We will be moving artworks from this multi-year project into a permanent home for safekeeping and viewing. Expect more details later this spring. We will be partnering with artist Mel Chin in the early phases of two place-based art projects, one in Miami, FL and the other in Fifth Ward of Houston, TX.
Finally, we’ll be convening artists and core participants for timely exchange and to dive deeper into this critical approach to art. So often we focus on idea, action and implementation, with less time for reflection. We’ll be convening folks along the way to ensure goals and methodologies are on track, we will document learnings, adjust strategies as needed and shape what is next.
On behalf of S.O.U.R.C.E., I’d like to extend my gratitude to The Kresge Foundation for investing in our work early on, and to all of our friends and partners who have contributed ideas, energy, and resources to help shape the vision for this organization. We could not have come this far without you.
For those of you discovering S.O.U.R.C.E for the first time, we welcome you and invite you to join our journey.
As we move through these challenging times, let’s keep practicing the recommended ‘social distancing’ so we are all able to work towards an end to the detrimental social distance that keeps us from a more empathetic world.
In solidarity,
Amanda Wiles
Director, S.O.U.R.C.E. Studio